
Steam Cleaner Charged With Brainwashing

Chicago– Small business owner, Harold Smocking, was arrested today on charges of criminal brainwashing. His company, Esteem Cleaners, which provides an innovative combination of personal development and pressure washing, has up until now boasted an impressive track record of profitability and really clean sidewalks…

News Lite:
98% Less Factual Information Than Regular News

Chicago– Small business owner, Harold Smocking, was arrested today on charges of criminal brainwashing. His company, Esteem Cleaners, which provides an innovative combination of personal development and pressure washing, has up until now boasted an impressive track record of profitability and really clean sidewalks.

Witnesses say that Smocking used the boredom and mind numbing noise of his pressure washer to lull victims into a hypnotic state, leaving them vulnerable to his suggestions, which focused mainly on large tips and irrational behavior. Clients’ personal development goals are alleged to have been overridden by Smocking in favor of more entertaining hypnotic suggestions, like profuse public flatulence and singing “I’m a Little Teapot Short and Stout” in crowded bus stations. Smocking is being held without bail with trial set for this sometime this decade.


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The law offices of Avarice and DeCeit,
“Specializing in minor injuries and major settlements, at Avarice and DeCeit you’re not just a number, you’re a number with a lot of zeros behind it.”

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61 replies on “Steam Cleaner Charged With Brainwashing”

This would explain my boyfriend’s sudden propensity to embarrass me in public with the funky flatulence dance. He is (was) a regular Esteem Cleaners customer (the Memphis branch).

(Hilarious post! This is the Brent we know and love.)

I don’t get it…..

Smocking does this and it’s a crime….

Dr “T” does it and its called therapy….

(Bt the way, if you see the good doc, tell him I need my power washer and jumper cables back)

John O.

Is it to late to hire Smocking to “clean” the sidewalks of Washington?


….I’m sorry, it’s just not the same song without the electric cattle prod.

John O.

I’m wondering if Mr. Smocking’s brainwashing system could produce similar results across cultures and personality types or does it hinge primarily on the target’s susceptibility to produce high levels of flatulence (like my boyfriend)? (damn, he would kill me if he read this)

Oh crap, I forgot to type my name in. That last comment was from DEBBIE not from our mysterious Anon!

Thank you,
I was beginning to feel surrounded by disembodied voices, which is always disturbing.

Feel free to sign in anonymous friend(s).

You are surrounded by disembodies voices……… I’m over here. Just kidding, I’m over here.

Don’t forget that when you get to the part, “tip me over and pour me out” that you lean over to the side. Just don’t lean over too far or you may fall.

Excellent point about Dr.T. The difference is that he is white collar and Smocking is not. Dr. T has a degree and high powered friends. It’s all about who you know. I heard he had Fording in his back pocket. An incredible accomplishment since Fording doesn’t even have Fording in his back pocket.

I think I saw you yesterday at the mall. Those earrings looked great on you!

Hey Brent,
Your comments from Wednesday’s post are around 50 now. Do you think your wife would give you another prize if it goes over 100 again?

For the love of boysenberries, sign in anon, my head hurts. Will the real anon please stand up!

My name is…, My name is…, My name is…

My name is Enigo Mentoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die!

My name’s Forrest Gump.

Bond, James Bond.

Fear of the unknown is a powerful aweful thing. You should visit Dr. T. I think you need an emergency session.

Dr. T would not stoop to such levels…
yes, he would, but then he would miss out on publicity and credit for his wisecracks.
No, I don’t believe it is Dr. T.

True, the good Dr. is much too ostentatious (yes I use that word in normal conversation) to be nameless.

That’s ok. I use the word meticulous in normal conversation.

I don’t know that meticulous would apply to Dr. T though.


Maybe we should re-direct this stimulating conversation over at “Author Aflutter At Imminent Review.” Brent (the author of this blog) in case you haven’t noticed, may receive another prize if the little commas reach 150.

I’ll buy you a drink…

No drinkie?

I’ll let you bum a smoke…

No smokie?

Ok, just move it buddy we don’t have much time.

Overrated? Well yeah, but for my personal entertainment at the expense of Debbie’s psyche, its priceless!

Thanks for the compliment, but I think the earrings clashed with my shoes.

I’m really not vengeful…too much energy. If my psyche is going to be abused it might as well be entertaining.

I think ridiculous is a more appropriate description for the doctor.

Jenn and Debbie,
Maisie is cute.

Anon and Debbie,
Please don’t bring divine retributional server crashes back upon the community with foul language. I don’t if we could handle the shock in our current emotional condition.

I think your influence is spreading. He didn’t come right out and say it, but the, ninja, is talking about you in an indirect way.

Please don’t take that from Brent. He just doesn’t understand you the way that I do.

Your contribution is greatly appreciated. Thank you for singing along. Please encourage your friends. It is a truly timeless song. Classic. Your pitch was a little off, but I think after a few more times you will have it.

I understand that your last session with Dr. T. did not go well. Please know that I am praying for you. Be encouraged. It takes a big person to endure anyone like him. I would like to suggest that you find someone else. Breathe. It’s ok. I’m not asking you to quit cold turkey. Just think about it. When you’re ready to explore other options, please let me know and I will give you some recommendations. I just think that you are too good for that man.


It was just a little cuss from a little comma. Just do not ever promote me to a large comma.


It is your fault because I’m cuter than you. Cuteness wins over anonymity. Just ask Maisie.


Thank you for your encourgement and prayers. I do grow tiresome of the Doctor’s constant ridicule of my jello-phobia. He has a plate of it on his desk for each and every session.

Lynn broke free from the Doctor’s clutches, so why can’t I?

I am imagining a translucent jail cell, like the one at the end of X-men, except made of jell-o.

“Welcome to your new home, the wiggly room, ha ha ha ha (continued maniacal laughter)”

Although I imagine it, I definitely don’t enjoy it. That’s doctor T’s job.

Brent Diggs! How could you? The thought of a wiggly jell-o jail is just terrifying. I can hardly breathe…(wheeeeeezzzzzzzz)

Although, if Wolverine, aka…James Howlett, more commonly known as Logan…came to my rescue it would be worth the torment.

(My son is named after Wolverine…the common name of Logan not Wolverine, although I did think about it…ok, not really)

Hilarious! I applaud the effort (standing ovation in fact). Funny you should mention Conan…

My family always comes to my house for X-mas (my house is the largest) and we always watch Conan the Barbarian (Conan the Destroyer) or Highlander. It’s kind of a tradition.

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